Global English- Foreign Language Centre offers, besides classical courses, a modern and complete learning system, through an online platform; this is dedicated to the participants who due to the lack of time or relocation cannot attend training in the classroom.

This type of course is recommended to students of A2 and above (not for beginners). By means of the activities and exercises on the platform, the program covers all types of linguistic skills: speaking, listening (including video listening), grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading, writing, plus „web research” activities.


  • no transport for classes;
  • learning is done at your own place;
  • your progress is monitored in real time;
  • the course is available on any device for desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile phone;
  • you can log on anytime;
  • the platform is user friendly: browsing is simple;
  • the „Native Language” support in other international language is offered through translation into eight different languages:
    • French, Russian,  Italian, Spanish, Polish, Chinese, Arabic, etc.;
  • „Role play” with virtual people;
  • Pronunciation uses animation to help students focus on a word or phrase and on different ways to intonate;
  • Online practice allows participants to work on projects, followed by teacher’s feedback *;
  • Mistakes are automatically corrected and explained (fast feedback to the exercises made);
  • Online dictionary is available.

* optional: feedback and counselling sessions with a teacher, 30 minutes/session (by Phone, Skype or WhatsApp) Technical requirements:

  • computer (desktop/laptop) with microphone and headphones, tablet or mobile phone;
  • internet access.

NoteThe automatic browser check was designed for computers only, not tablets.  Please see the requirements for Tablets below.

Detailed System Requirements

For PC-Compatible Computers:

  • Operating System: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10;
  • Web Browser: Edge, Internet Explorer® 11, Firefox® (latest version), Google® Chrome (latest version).

For Macintosh Computers:

  • Operating System: OS X 10.13;
  • Web Browser: Safari® 9+, Firefox® (latest version), Google® Chrome (latest version).

For All Computers:

  • Hardware: Modern processor 1.33 GHz or faster 32-bit (x86), Headphone or speakers, built-in or external; Microphone, built-in or external Memory: 2 GB RAM or higher;
  • Monitor Resolution: 1366 x 768 or higher;
  • Plug-ins: Adobe® Reader 2015, Adobe® Flash Player (latest version);
  • Internet Connection: DSL, Cable/Broadband, T1, or other high-speed connection;
  • Note: For detailed bandwidth recommendation for concurrent usage (say in classroom), click here.
  • For Tablets/mobile devices:
  • Operating System: iPad iOS  9.1 +, Android OS 4.2.2 +, Windows 8 Touch Screen;
  • Web Browser: Safari 11, Chrome (latest version), Firefox (latest version), Edge.

Contact us directly

Courses for companies | Courses for individuals 0721.726.860


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