Global English- One of the few schools in Romania accredited to organise TOEIC tests!

GLOBAL ENGLISH SCHOOL is English Testing Services (ETS) Preferred Associate in Romania.

The TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) test is an English-language proficiency test for people whose native language is not English. It measures the everyday English skills of people working in an international environment. The scores indicate how well people can communicate in English with others in business, commerce, and industry. The test does not require specialised knowledge or vocabulary beyond that of a person who uses English in everyday work activities.

Who takes the TOEIC test?

  • Personnel who use English in real-life work settings, such as: businesses, hotels, hospitals, restaurants, international meetings, conventions and sporting events Managerial, sales and technical employees in international business, commerce and industry who require English for their work;
  • Individuals who are preparing to enter the workplace;
  • Candidates for training to be conducted in English;
  • Individuals in English-language training programmes;

Why take the TOEIC test?

The TOEIC test is the choice of nearly five million test takers a year and is recognised by thousands of corporations. As a fair and objective measure of English proficiency, the TOEIC test will enable you to:

  • Verify your current level of English proficiency;
  • Qualify for a new position and/or promotion in a company;
  • Enhance your professional credentials;
  • Monitor your progress in English Set your own learning goals;
  • Involve your employer in advancing your English ability.

Below you can read more detalis about the Toeic Test of your choice

Our Teachers - Global English

16 years of experience

Traineri si traducători profesioniști, cu o bogată experiență de lucru în:predarea cursurilor de limbi străine către cursanți adulți;pregătirea cursanților pentru teste internaționale;traduceri scrise;servicii de interpretariat.

Performant Management

Oferim feedback și soluții rapide la orice solicitare primită:alocăm un manager de proiect dedicat, care răspunde cu promptitudine solicitărilor Dumneavoastră.16 ani de experiență în administrare de proiecte complexe.

Flexible teaching aproach

Metodă de predare modernă și interactivă " Communicative Approach" axată pe conversație;Cursuri adaptate nevoilor de învăţare ale cursanţilor;Înţelegem necesitățile de învățare și așteptările diverse ale clienților.

Contact us directly

Courses for companies | Courses for individuals 0721.726.860


Test Toeic limba engleza
Autorizare invatamant limba engleza

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